News Media Room

Aqsarniit Iliniarvik staff and student cohort can resume classes

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Aqsarniit Iliniarvik staff and student cohort can resume classes

Chief Public Health Office Dr. Michael Patterson today released the following statement:

“There are no additional cases of COVID-19 after contact tracing and testing of high-risk contacts of the two students from Aqsarniit Iliniarvik in Iqaluit. The risk of exposure to other students at the school is considered low, and it is safe for staff and students from Cohort B to resume classes tomorrow.

The Department of Education has protocols in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading in our schools. Students, parents and staff should continue to follow all public health measures at schools and in public.

Pfizer vaccine clinics for Nunavummiut aged 12-17 begin this week. I encourage all parents and guardians to look online for dates and contact information to book appointments for their teenagers. Here in Iqaluit, the walk-in clinic runs from 1-10 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday at the curling rink. The COVID-19 vaccines are vital to protect all Nunavummiut from the virus. Do your part and get vaccinated.”


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia
A/Manager Communications
Department of Health

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